Wednesday, June 18, 2014


                                                   THE ADDENDUM.....

LOOK..... I am not getting on the case of anybody personally concerning these things that I write about... that is, about God's instructions for life and our disobedience to such. If anything... I think I am very qualified to speak on such matters for a few reasons..... 1.) I lived most of my adult life (40+ years) as an enemy of God, married to this world and almost all (or, so it seems) of its vices and so-called pleasures. 2.) Upon my being born again/saved and the progression and growth through the next few years in my new life, I found it very easy to see (understand) the stark difference between the average American life, and the life that Scripture/Jesus says that we should live. 3.) I began (fairly shortly after beginning to follow Christ) examining my life and the things that I fed on spiritually/mentally, and I noticed that MUCH of it was not in line with God's instructions for believers. I began with movies, music, books, magazines, & the computer/TV. No... I didn't do away with any & all movies, just the ones that I knew my Lord & Savior would NOT approve of! I did not swear off of all music... just the stuff that I was certain did NOT honor God! Instead of throwing out all books & magazines, I put God's Word alone at the top of my reading list, as well as any books that were about Him, for Him, praising Him, and the (now) hundreds of commentaries/devotionals/Christian living books... and then I had books and magazines about beautiful parts of the world as well as wildlife! I would call these “Creation Books”! Then I threw out anything else. As for the computer and TV... that is something that I have to be diligent about daily. You see...NONE of these media are inherently evil. I remember many years ago when some preachers were quick to call the television “Satan In A Box”! The fact is... scripture (James 1:13-15) says, “let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” So... it is not the appliance that is the evil thing, it is our mind (Jeremiah 17:9). when used appropriately, these items/media can be very effective tools for ministry as well as pleasure, as long as the pleasure fits with Scripture (Psalm 37:4)!So...when it came to cleaning house, I guess I got it right because....  I don't miss any of it!  4.) I believe that the Holy Spirit quickened and called me at that unique and pre-appointed time for the same reason as the one who was blind in John 9.... for His Glory! God knew that anyone who knew me and/or my story (testimony) would be left with a true understanding of 1Cor. 1:26.... “that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:” In fact, I relate so well to what that formerly blind man who said, “...Once I was blind, but now I see.”  And lastly... 5.)  I know first-hand that He is so very faithful to his word, and that anyone who is a believer and calls upon Him in sincerity for wisdom (James 1:5), will be blessed with it many times over what they would have imagined! And... with that wisdom, tell me.... who would continue to dine upon the slop of this world instead of a feast from Heaven?! OK, those are a few of the many reasons that I feel like I can talk about this subject with understanding. But... the #1 reason is... it's BIBLICAL, not just something I made up!

Indeed, I think it is easier for anyone who is converted late in life to see the sharp contrast between the life of a non-believer and a true believer. Of course you see that I used the words “true believer” in opposition to the non-believer, instead of just saying “believer”. The reason for that is simple... the latest polls have shown that approximately half of the worlds population (and approx. 2/3rds in America) profess to be Christians. Any Christian knows... that is not the case. If those polls were true.... Would hate & violence rule much of the world? Would a LARGE % of the worlds population be starving to death or in such abject poverty that they are barely surviving? How about the millions upon multiplied millions of babies being killed via abortions? All it takes is a pause to reflect on these sobering questions to understand that.... obviously... not ALL who profess to be christian are true believers. Scripture (1 John...among several other NT books) give us very explicit directions to see... to find out... & delineate... who is “in Christ”, and who isn't. I know.... it's that kind of talk that will have many ready to quote me their favorite verse “Judge not lest ye be judged...”, of course...totally out of context. Never mind all those scriptures that command you TO JUDGE (1Cor. 5:9-13, as well as others), as well as those that, to obey... you are required to judge (2Cor. 6:15, as well as others). OK... a few questions...

  1. Why would someone (who professes to be a Christian) who is gifted/blessed with an incredibly beautiful voice... one that the world is just crazy over, THANK... the creator/giver of that gift by using it to sing about lust, infidelity, vanity, greed, violence, and anything else that will sell and make them lots of money (oops...I might have answered my own question)?
  2. What about a gifted actor/actress (also professes Christ), why would they take a lead roll in what looked like it could be a career-maker after reading the script and knowing that it required a torrid love scene & oh so brief partial nudity? After all... they're married. Same question... even if they weren't married.
  3. Then there is the star athlete who knows they will have a quarter or more of their year on the road away from their spouse in posh hotels, with nothing but time, loneliness, and money on their hands. MEN.... if you have ANY problem at all with lustful thoughts/actions... DON'T TEMPT TEMPTATION!
  4. It's like the man who tells you that he loves to read, and he reads the best at the crowded beach on spring break. Yeah.... right.... OR... the woman who starts out reading the romance novels, and then advances to a different author that writes a little steamier version.... then, an on-line affair... then... something steamier...

“Okay, you say... so what's your point?” It does not just say, “Abstain from all evil” in 1 Thess. 5:22, it says, “Abstain from all APPEARANCE of evil !” Believer... do NOT put yourselves in these positions by having anything even remotely resembling things dishonoring, and disobedient to God in your life at all. Even if you think that these things are not a temptation you will fall to, they can cause your brother or sister to stumble (read Romans 15), and besmirch the name of our Lord.

In summation, Christianity is about LOVE... the LOVE OF GOD! Not the multitude of pseudo, or FAX loves the world will try and get you to bite on. Yep, just like fishing. Satan baits his line with that ingeniously crafted FAX (facsimile...of the original) love, the WORLDS version of love: and he's got those little lures in every shape, color, and size! He is indeed crafty you know...been at it a long time. Don't fall for the worlds (read...SATAN) seemingly harmless lures. But, I'm afraid you will IF you don't do something about your spiritual diet. Dig in to the Lords feast... His manna... for this is one diet where there is no such thing as overeating. This food is packed with every good thing for your spiritual life. One of the truly great verses about this is Philippians 4:4-9, which gives you the avenue to & assurance of His marvelous Peace. And when we keep our minds on those things in verse 8, people know us by the fact that (Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law!”) we increase in the fruits of the spirit, and the peace and love of God shines through! I love the end of verse 23...”against such there is no law”! Isn't that great... just knock yourself out, love all you want, be joyous all the time, have unlimited peace, etc...! WOW!!!

For the last verse to share... Colossians 3:12-16 ; It's such a wonderful passage! Look at verse 14... “And above all these things put on charity (see:1Cor.13), which is the bond of perfectness.” WOW! That word CHARITY.... this world has made it out to be a bad word.... you know, “Hey... we don't accept charity”, and the like. Charity doesn't just mean love, but more like... yeah, you guessed it, “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE”!

May God Bless You As You Read His Word


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Manna From Heaven 

      Ahhh...Manna ... Isn't God amazing!?!  Have you ever really thought much about the manna that God fed His people with in the wilderness?  For a long time, this is all the children of Israel had to eat, right?  This food that God gave His chosen people wasn't just some fun salty snack food. This manna  needed to be a food that would give all the necessary ingredients for sustaining human life,  all while being in a  less than hospitable environment. There had to be certain minimum levels (at least) of  protein, fat, and carbohydrates ..... as well as other dietary minimums such as minerals, vitamins, etc.!  It is incredible to think just how much had to go into those little white wafers.  Truly... an incredible design by the most incredible designer of all! However,  just like the rest of us humans,  they never quite  learned how to be content with God's blessings.  Being given the most incredible whole foods supplement ever, but... it just wasn't good enough. They just had to have something more. They wanted meat. I wonder if this was a time where God  says to himself, " did I really create them this stupid... or what"? ;~)... ok...a little levity!
       Okay, let me see if I've got this straight ...  God creates us,  sets us up in the garden of Eden, gives us every kind of fruit, nut, berry, grains, greens, legumes,  and vegetables..... and we are still not happy. In other words,  He plucks us from the enemy,  plants us in paradise,  provides the perfect diet with the freshest foods for the sustenance of our bodies and we say (essentially), "You know's ok, I think I got this! .....Really?..... Are You Serious?  O.K., so maybe you think I am taking my analogy a little too far huh? I really don't think so.  LOOK... here's how this shakes out... we tell God that we want to treat our physical bodies to almost 'everything but' the best things for it, and still expect it to respond the way He designed it to function under peak conditions. Stupid...right? YES... it is!
       If we agree that it is insane to fill our bodies with junk food and then still expect them to perform up to the standards that they are capable of when they have had the proper nutrition, doesn't it stand to reason that this should be the case with our minds as well? Of course it should. God not only took the time to prepare His Word for us, and then to preserve it down through time, but also to make it known to us (understanding) by the power and teaching of the Holy Spirit! In doing so, He has given us ALL the spiritual vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that we need to live the life that He would have us live! What an exciting thought! And yet... we do the craziest thing. Still using the analogy of the physical and the spiritual with "food", it's as if we actually eat that PERFECTLY balanced meal that He has prepared for us one day a week (Sunday...of course) only to pour ourselves a bowl of sugar-covered gummy bears, and chase it with a root beer once a day those other six days and wonder why our body doesn't feel right, and won't respond right when we call it to action.
      Look...God has given us the instruction manual for living life, and ... not only that, but living life to the fullest! In the analogy we are using in this series... He has given you a perfectly balanced, totally nutritious meal plan for seven days (not just 1) a week, so that in due time you will be a totally natural (NO foreign ***substances) "Spiritual Bodybuilder", growing daily by the Word of the Lord!

P.S. ***Foreign Substances ..... is anything extra biblical (anything that contradicts God's Word)! IOW... Anything outside of God's Word. Use God's Word to validate and/or rule out ANY other supplements to your meal!

God's Word is our Manna! Feast on it constantly.... at regular intervals!




Monday, March 3, 2014



His... Not Mine;
Oh...the joy of love Divine
Such peace and assurance...
To be His... not mine.

Twas wretched and poor,
Once enslaved to sin;
Til His light shone all about me,
And His grace reeled me in.

Now a slave to righteousness...
Oh what joy to be;
In the service of my Lord,
The One whose blood bought me.

From the day to day horror
Of a lost and helpless soul;
To adoption... a child of God,
The One from whom all things flow.

Unmerited favor(?)... now I understand;
I am born again.... Not of myself....
But by the touch of the Master's Hand!

                                    The DOGpreacher                                


                                             So....What's In Your Pantry ?
It might be that you have already performed this exercise, however... once is not enough for what we are doing here. This must be something you eventually do continually. You will, in time, progress to a point where this exercise will become a 'preventative maintenance' type of work, instead of a 'spring cleaning'. Okay, let's all do this together. In keeping with the analogous theme of this series, let's open our pantrys for inspection. No... I won't be looking, just you...& Him. Just so we all are on the same page...the PANTRY I am referring to is the variety of places you frequent (home [library, T.V. room, computers, etc.) work, recreational area/locales, church,...etc.) in which you are fed mentally/spiritually. This should include (for example) what you READ, what you VIEW, what (& who) you LISTEN to. At this point, some of you have already felt that old familiar rebellion rising up within you (yes, that is rebellion), that brings forth from your lips your favorite battle cry, "Judge not lest you be judged.."! If that isn't the first cry, it will only be because you have first sounded off about 'legalism'. But, that's alright, stay with us here and see that this is applicable to you just as it is to all of us. I could make this long and draw it out to be a long post, but I will not. I will get directly to the point.
     How many of you would be appalled if you answered the knock at your door, and found a few people who said, "Hi, I hope you don't mind if we come in. We would like to curse and swear, make blatant inuendos of a sexual nature, show you some graphic violence and murders via this slide show. Don't worry, we brought our own projector. Now, for a little mood music, could you play some Eminem, Beastie Boys, Brittany Spears, Korn, Nicky Minaj, AC/DC, Michael Jackson, Blake Shelton, Reba, Garth, Carrie Underwood, Pit Bull, Rhiannon, Beyonce, Led Zeppelin, Eagles, Pink, Pink Floyd, etc....basically  anything that glorifies illicit sex, violence and death, rebellion, you know, anything opposite of what God would approve of you consuming. Oh, c'mon, even if YOU don't have anything like that in the house, we know your children do. Speaking of them, have you seen the commercials for the sadistic (...ratings like M for mature, and WORSE...) games for their PlayStation or whatever that is that YOU bought them for Christmas, and then allowed it to be in their room w/their own TV?!'s been nice entertaining you for the, pay up! You surely didn't think this kind of entertainment would be free, did you?"
Where Did This Junk Food Come From ?
     Just the thought of someone barging in your home with this filth and degradation is appalling to consider, isn't it? We might react, saying, "I wouldn't stand for that in my house, I would throw them out. NO, YOU WOULDN'T.....instead, YOU call THEM up and INVITE them over, and PAY them to come into your home. Is it local cable you have, or is it satellite, transmitting all of this "junk food" into your home. No, I am not saying that the TV is Satan in a box. The TV is neither righteous nor evil. It is you & I...the humans. WE are the ones who choose the sexually suggestive programs we watch, the vanity promoting magazines we read, the suggestive (violence, sex, rebellion) lyrics we listen to, and repeatedly pound into our heads. Have you caught yourself laughing at the sexual inuendos (all outside of Gods intentions for sex) of your favorite sit-com, de-sensitized to the multitudes of brutal crimes (Assault, rape, murder, etc.) that we watch on the hour-long dramas, OR, the complete assault on your mind with the pooling together of these with the Names of our Saviour and God being continuously & flippantly taken in vain, in the Movies we watch?
Feast On These Things
     Philippians 4:8-9....."(8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things (are) honest, whatsoever things (are) just, whatsoever things (are) pure, whatsoever things (are) lovely, whatsoever things (are) of good report, if (there be) any virtue, and if (there be) any praise, think on these things. (9) These things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. One must be very selective in their consumption of the various media outlets of this world, if they intend on keeping their mind on the things we are urged to keep them on in Philippians. Personal Holiness is not a real popular thing today....but, it should be. It amazes me how Christians today lament the fact that they are worried (finances, children, job, etc.) so much, and seem to have 'no peace of mind'.  As the aforementioned scripture stated, "...the God of peace shall be with you."  WHEN you put your mind on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, & praiseworthy...THEN the God of peace WILL be with you, and 'peace of mind' will be yours. We all know what GIGO stands for, right? Yeah, that's right, garbage in.....garbage out. That's right, what we feed on (whether physically, or spiritually/mentally WILL make up who we are. THEN, what is inside us, will come from our actions. YES...unfortunately, when we feed on such trash, we will be a huge witness...but not for Christ! I urge you (for Christ's sake) to think on these things. I am.....

                         .....gr8ful 4 grace,

NEXT..... Pt.3,  Manna From Heaven !


                             Those Who Have, & Those Who Have Not
     You have all seen the pictures I am sure. A Child...with swollen belly and frail appendages. How can this happen, we ask. The answer is Malnutrition. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary/10th Edition defines malnutrition as "faulty or inadequate nutrition". BOTH of these defining points play a part in these children we see in the aforementioned condition. An inadequate supply of food combined with the fact that there is not the right kinds of foods for balanced nutrition, and the contamination factor (water & food), ALL contribute to the malnutrition we see in these commercials...where they are asking us to help get the right foods for a balanced nutrition. We must get the PURE (uncontaminated) water & bread to these little ones, or.... they have NO HOPE !! Now...take the time to look around you. We live in a land of plenty. For most, there is an adequate supply of food here. For most it is clean & contamination free food & water. We have in this Country (for the most part) exactly what is needed for balanced nutrition. And yet, this Country is one of the most obese and out of shape in the world, not to mention the most wasteful. This is to our great shame.

 From The Physical To The Spiritual  
      NOW.... this country does have its malnourished. In this country (for the most part) there are no excuses. In a land where we have an abundance of food & water that is uncontaminated and is perfect for supplying the body with the needed nutrition for good health.....look at us. One has the accessability to the proper diet, but prefers to ingest the things that will slowly lead their body...their health, to physical ruin. Is this an example of insanity ? That IS a fair question. Those of you reading this who watch what you eat very closely, and have probably been in agreement with all I have said so far.....what's your excuse ? Yes, YOU! When it comes to physical food you have been wise, and have taken care of your body by regulating what your dietary intake will be. How much more should you regulate your spiritual/mental intake ? There are many types & brand names of food in the grocery store competing for your loyalty as a consumer. Yet, you resist an urge to buy 6 Twinkies & 3 Turtle Fudge Cheesecakes by the reasoning that this would not be good for your body. This is much the same as it is in the field of Religion/Theology. There are new marketing strategies every day it seems, to entice you to be a loyal consumer of their brand. However..... I will comment on this later.

So.....You Think You're Sane Do You ? 
     Didn't someone once say that the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over, the exact same way.....and expect different results ? Oh, dear God, let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds, help us to put on the mind of the Christ. Then, we will be of sound mind &  can get down to the issue at hand.
1 John 2: 15-17 says, "(15) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (17) And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever."  OK...I will pause for those who wish to repent & clean house now... ;-)
     What kind of mental/spiritual "food" are you feeding on daily ? Have you 'counted the cost' of grazing at the feeding troughs of this world ? As you 'sip the wine of the wrath of her fornications' you are desensitized and deceived as to your spiritual state. Alright, let's get down to the crux of the matter. I believe that the majority of the "churches" these days are disobedient to God's Word & thus.....a stench in His nostrils. Oh, I know...not you &'s those "others". My advice unto you (as unto myself) is to "examine yourself", and all that entails. Humble yourself before the Almighty, and ask Him to point out any wicked way in you (me). Do this (searching prayer) right after you have read 1 John 2: 15-17, and then read it again. No one that He loves will be exempt at this point from the chastising conviction of the Holy Spirit of God upon your heart/mind. Will you be found guilty of loving this present world more than the One who redeemed you ? Or will you be righteous in your own eyes ? Be careful Mr. Pride, & think this through. When you "feed" on the things of this world instead of His 'manna' from heaven, you will be the baby christian who is... so pitiful...& sad. With a bloated spiritual belly from the worlds contaminated food & drink that you are ingesting, you have no strength to stand when needed. You are weak in all areas, especially the mind. The church is full of this because THE CHURCH IS FULL  OF THE WORLD!!! Remember, the passage says, "...if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

Accounting/Inventory Department   
     Do you love this One who died that you might have life ? It is time to take inventory. It is time for an accounting. When you rationalize the few sex scenes, and the nudity as a MUST for making a good movie (huh?), and the MANY times God's name is taken in vain (not just the times it is linked up with damn.), as well as the barrage of sexual innuendos, ask yourself, "Am I even remotely pleasing to God BY these actions, or is He displeased with my choice of entertainment ?" I assure you He will NEVER approve of your preference for the world over Him as a way to spend your time. That would be contradictory to His Word. Oh, you may hear a still small voice say, "it's okay, c''s not THAT bad". Guess what ? That wasn't God!! That was your wicked and deceitful heart/mind (Jer. 17:9 ) trying to justify the sin you love so much. Well....THIS is the "Accounting/Inventory Department"....excuses and self righteous 'feelings' carry NO weight around here.

Final Thoughts On Part 1 are we doing out there ? There's only two types (and that is.... INSIDE the Christian camp) that are reading this. One says (with bowed head), " search me dear God, and reveal to me my wrong ways, and help me to know you more, and my ways to be pleasing to you." Then there's the other type. I know him well. I used to be him. He already had a hundred thoughts of self-justification for his ways before half-way finishing the post. He is angry at such [legalistic] nonsense. I am free he says. I have Christian liberty. My friend, look around you...right now, in your own home/room/desk/bookshelves/magazine racks/cd-dvd changer ..... your mind.....ooh....see. THAT isn't freedom. THAT is displeasing to Almighty God.....It's sin!

Stay tuned for Part 2:   SO.....WHAT'S IN YOUR PANTRY ?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Conversion ..... and Yours!


I was born in sin, a curse of "the fall"  
Not I alone, but humanity...all.
My trajectory was downward, 
As only it could be;   

Til His hand caught my falling soul, 
Graciously revealing Himself to me.
I saw my sin, my state, my plight,  
Turning from darkness, I ran to light

By grace, through faith,  
I have been set free;  
No longer a slave to sin,
But to the One Who's blood bought me. 

Before the foundation of the world, 
He chose me, in Him to abide; 
Then with irresistible grace, 
Did draw me to His side.  

And so...fearing not, I now stand; 
Safely cupped, In those nail-scarred hands. 
With God for me, whom shall I fear; 
As He preserves me, I persevere! 

                                                                                       In His Hand, 
                                                                          The DOGpreacher.  

P.S.  Yes, this is my conversion I wrote about, but it easily could have been yours also. 
     Notice that there is nothing personal about this testimony to God's saving grace 
              that links it only to me (or anybody else). Quite frankly...this is simply what happens 
to every one who has ever been born from above (born again).