Monday, May 23, 2016


In The Ten Commandments.....Part 3   



The New Testament & The Law Of The Lord

1. How are we justified ? ( Romans 3:28, Galatians 3:11, & Ephesians 2:8-9 )

2. Since we are justified by faith, does that make void the Law of God ? ( Romans 3:31 )

3. Can we obey God's Law ? Aren't we too weak ? ( Romans 8:3-4 )

4. How does the spirit-filled Christian regard God's Commandments ? ( 1st John 5:13 )

5. Is obedience to God a response of love towards God ? ( John 14:15 )

6. In the New Covenant, where did God promise to write His law ? ( Hebrews 10:16 )

7. Does obeying God's Law [ the Ten Commandments ] have anything to do with The Judgment, and Heaven ? ( Revelation 22:14 )






1. Is there sin in the world we live in today ?

2. What (& where) is the definition of what sin is ?

3. Does the law not apply anymore because we are under grace ? …..and if not, why (& where) ?

4. Which (if any) of the ten commandments was abolished (& where) and did not continue in the New Covenant, & why ?

5. What are the MOST important principles to practice prior to scriptural study & forming doctrinal beliefs ?
6. IF the Law (Moral....10 Commandments) is no more...... is sin imputed?

7. Is Christ the END of the Law.....and (if so), what does that mean?

8. What Law was  "nailed to the cross" in Colossians 2:14 ?

9. When (& where...) was the Law first made known to man?

10. What was/is the objective of the Law of God, AND.....
      .......what is the whole duty of mankind? 




Sunday, May 22, 2016


                               Jesus And God's Law_______________


1. What did Jesus say about the law ? ( Matthew 5:17-19 )

2. What did Christ tell the rich, young ruler that he must do to enter into life ? ( Matt. 19:16-24;      Luke 18:18-25 )

3. Is Christ the end of the law for believers? NOTE: The word “end” does not mean to terminate or abolish in this context. . Instead, it means.... aim, or goal. ( Romans 10:4 )

4. Where else in the Bible does the word end mean aim or goal? (1 Peter 1:9; 1 Timothy 1:5, & James 5:11)

5. Did Jesus obey the law ? ( John 15:10 )

6. Was Jesus our example in ALL things ? ( 1st Peter 2:21 )

7. What was the Ceremonial law of sacrifices and ordinances made known to Israel? (Leviticus 7:37)

8. On what was the Ceremonial law written ? ( 2nd Chronicles 35:12 )

9. How did Christ's death affect the Ceremonial law ? ( Ephesians 2:15 )

10. Did prophecy foretell the end of the Ceremonial law ? ( Daniel 9:27 )

11. Did Paul recognize the importance of keeping the commandments ? ( 1st Corinthians 7:19 )

12. What are the differences in the Ten Commandments & the Ceremonial Law ?

( The Moral Law )

*Is called the “Royal Law.” .............................................  James 2:8

*Was "spoken by God."  …..............................................  Deuteronomy 4:12-13

*Was "written by the finger of God." …........................... 2nd Chronicles 35:12

*Was placed in the “Ark of the Covenant.” ….................. Exodus 40:20 & Hebrews 9:4

*Is to “stand forever and ever.” …..................................... Psalm 111:7-8

*Was not to be destroyed by Christ. …............................. Matthew 5:17-18


*Is called the “law contained in ordinances.”.................... Ephesians 2:15

*Was spoken by Moses. …................................................ Leviticus 1:1-3

*Was written by Moses in a book. …................................ Exodus 31:18

*Was placed in the side of the “Ark of the Covenant” ..... Deuteronomy 31:24-26

*Was nailed to the cross. ….............................................. Colossians 2:14

*Was abolished by Christ. ….............................................Ephesians 2:15