Sunday, May 22, 2016


                               Jesus And God's Law_______________


1. What did Jesus say about the law ? ( Matthew 5:17-19 )

2. What did Christ tell the rich, young ruler that he must do to enter into life ? ( Matt. 19:16-24;      Luke 18:18-25 )

3. Is Christ the end of the law for believers? NOTE: The word “end” does not mean to terminate or abolish in this context. . Instead, it means.... aim, or goal. ( Romans 10:4 )

4. Where else in the Bible does the word end mean aim or goal? (1 Peter 1:9; 1 Timothy 1:5, & James 5:11)

5. Did Jesus obey the law ? ( John 15:10 )

6. Was Jesus our example in ALL things ? ( 1st Peter 2:21 )

7. What was the Ceremonial law of sacrifices and ordinances made known to Israel? (Leviticus 7:37)

8. On what was the Ceremonial law written ? ( 2nd Chronicles 35:12 )

9. How did Christ's death affect the Ceremonial law ? ( Ephesians 2:15 )

10. Did prophecy foretell the end of the Ceremonial law ? ( Daniel 9:27 )

11. Did Paul recognize the importance of keeping the commandments ? ( 1st Corinthians 7:19 )

12. What are the differences in the Ten Commandments & the Ceremonial Law ?

( The Moral Law )

*Is called the “Royal Law.” .............................................  James 2:8

*Was "spoken by God."  …..............................................  Deuteronomy 4:12-13

*Was "written by the finger of God." …........................... 2nd Chronicles 35:12

*Was placed in the “Ark of the Covenant.” ….................. Exodus 40:20 & Hebrews 9:4

*Is to “stand forever and ever.” …..................................... Psalm 111:7-8

*Was not to be destroyed by Christ. …............................. Matthew 5:17-18


*Is called the “law contained in ordinances.”.................... Ephesians 2:15

*Was spoken by Moses. …................................................ Leviticus 1:1-3

*Was written by Moses in a book. …................................ Exodus 31:18

*Was placed in the side of the “Ark of the Covenant” ..... Deuteronomy 31:24-26

*Was nailed to the cross. ….............................................. Colossians 2:14

*Was abolished by Christ. ….............................................Ephesians 2:15

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