Wednesday, June 18, 2014


                                                   THE ADDENDUM.....

LOOK..... I am not getting on the case of anybody personally concerning these things that I write about... that is, about God's instructions for life and our disobedience to such. If anything... I think I am very qualified to speak on such matters for a few reasons..... 1.) I lived most of my adult life (40+ years) as an enemy of God, married to this world and almost all (or, so it seems) of its vices and so-called pleasures. 2.) Upon my being born again/saved and the progression and growth through the next few years in my new life, I found it very easy to see (understand) the stark difference between the average American life, and the life that Scripture/Jesus says that we should live. 3.) I began (fairly shortly after beginning to follow Christ) examining my life and the things that I fed on spiritually/mentally, and I noticed that MUCH of it was not in line with God's instructions for believers. I began with movies, music, books, magazines, & the computer/TV. No... I didn't do away with any & all movies, just the ones that I knew my Lord & Savior would NOT approve of! I did not swear off of all music... just the stuff that I was certain did NOT honor God! Instead of throwing out all books & magazines, I put God's Word alone at the top of my reading list, as well as any books that were about Him, for Him, praising Him, and the (now) hundreds of commentaries/devotionals/Christian living books... and then I had books and magazines about beautiful parts of the world as well as wildlife! I would call these “Creation Books”! Then I threw out anything else. As for the computer and TV... that is something that I have to be diligent about daily. You see...NONE of these media are inherently evil. I remember many years ago when some preachers were quick to call the television “Satan In A Box”! The fact is... scripture (James 1:13-15) says, “let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” So... it is not the appliance that is the evil thing, it is our mind (Jeremiah 17:9). when used appropriately, these items/media can be very effective tools for ministry as well as pleasure, as long as the pleasure fits with Scripture (Psalm 37:4)!So...when it came to cleaning house, I guess I got it right because....  I don't miss any of it!  4.) I believe that the Holy Spirit quickened and called me at that unique and pre-appointed time for the same reason as the one who was blind in John 9.... for His Glory! God knew that anyone who knew me and/or my story (testimony) would be left with a true understanding of 1Cor. 1:26.... “that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:” In fact, I relate so well to what that formerly blind man who said, “...Once I was blind, but now I see.”  And lastly... 5.)  I know first-hand that He is so very faithful to his word, and that anyone who is a believer and calls upon Him in sincerity for wisdom (James 1:5), will be blessed with it many times over what they would have imagined! And... with that wisdom, tell me.... who would continue to dine upon the slop of this world instead of a feast from Heaven?! OK, those are a few of the many reasons that I feel like I can talk about this subject with understanding. But... the #1 reason is... it's BIBLICAL, not just something I made up!

Indeed, I think it is easier for anyone who is converted late in life to see the sharp contrast between the life of a non-believer and a true believer. Of course you see that I used the words “true believer” in opposition to the non-believer, instead of just saying “believer”. The reason for that is simple... the latest polls have shown that approximately half of the worlds population (and approx. 2/3rds in America) profess to be Christians. Any Christian knows... that is not the case. If those polls were true.... Would hate & violence rule much of the world? Would a LARGE % of the worlds population be starving to death or in such abject poverty that they are barely surviving? How about the millions upon multiplied millions of babies being killed via abortions? All it takes is a pause to reflect on these sobering questions to understand that.... obviously... not ALL who profess to be christian are true believers. Scripture (1 John...among several other NT books) give us very explicit directions to see... to find out... & delineate... who is “in Christ”, and who isn't. I know.... it's that kind of talk that will have many ready to quote me their favorite verse “Judge not lest ye be judged...”, of course...totally out of context. Never mind all those scriptures that command you TO JUDGE (1Cor. 5:9-13, as well as others), as well as those that, to obey... you are required to judge (2Cor. 6:15, as well as others). OK... a few questions...

  1. Why would someone (who professes to be a Christian) who is gifted/blessed with an incredibly beautiful voice... one that the world is just crazy over, THANK... the creator/giver of that gift by using it to sing about lust, infidelity, vanity, greed, violence, and anything else that will sell and make them lots of money (oops...I might have answered my own question)?
  2. What about a gifted actor/actress (also professes Christ), why would they take a lead roll in what looked like it could be a career-maker after reading the script and knowing that it required a torrid love scene & oh so brief partial nudity? After all... they're married. Same question... even if they weren't married.
  3. Then there is the star athlete who knows they will have a quarter or more of their year on the road away from their spouse in posh hotels, with nothing but time, loneliness, and money on their hands. MEN.... if you have ANY problem at all with lustful thoughts/actions... DON'T TEMPT TEMPTATION!
  4. It's like the man who tells you that he loves to read, and he reads the best at the crowded beach on spring break. Yeah.... right.... OR... the woman who starts out reading the romance novels, and then advances to a different author that writes a little steamier version.... then, an on-line affair... then... something steamier...

“Okay, you say... so what's your point?” It does not just say, “Abstain from all evil” in 1 Thess. 5:22, it says, “Abstain from all APPEARANCE of evil !” Believer... do NOT put yourselves in these positions by having anything even remotely resembling things dishonoring, and disobedient to God in your life at all. Even if you think that these things are not a temptation you will fall to, they can cause your brother or sister to stumble (read Romans 15), and besmirch the name of our Lord.

In summation, Christianity is about LOVE... the LOVE OF GOD! Not the multitude of pseudo, or FAX loves the world will try and get you to bite on. Yep, just like fishing. Satan baits his line with that ingeniously crafted FAX (facsimile...of the original) love, the WORLDS version of love: and he's got those little lures in every shape, color, and size! He is indeed crafty you know...been at it a long time. Don't fall for the worlds (read...SATAN) seemingly harmless lures. But, I'm afraid you will IF you don't do something about your spiritual diet. Dig in to the Lords feast... His manna... for this is one diet where there is no such thing as overeating. This food is packed with every good thing for your spiritual life. One of the truly great verses about this is Philippians 4:4-9, which gives you the avenue to & assurance of His marvelous Peace. And when we keep our minds on those things in verse 8, people know us by the fact that (Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law!”) we increase in the fruits of the spirit, and the peace and love of God shines through! I love the end of verse 23...”against such there is no law”! Isn't that great... just knock yourself out, love all you want, be joyous all the time, have unlimited peace, etc...! WOW!!!

For the last verse to share... Colossians 3:12-16 ; It's such a wonderful passage! Look at verse 14... “And above all these things put on charity (see:1Cor.13), which is the bond of perfectness.” WOW! That word CHARITY.... this world has made it out to be a bad word.... you know, “Hey... we don't accept charity”, and the like. Charity doesn't just mean love, but more like... yeah, you guessed it, “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE”!

May God Bless You As You Read His Word


1 comment:

  1. Excellent lessons! Lot's to digest here, get the pun? Seriously, you did an awesome job. Thank you for your time and teaching of the Word!


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