Monday, March 3, 2014


                             Those Who Have, & Those Who Have Not
     You have all seen the pictures I am sure. A Child...with swollen belly and frail appendages. How can this happen, we ask. The answer is Malnutrition. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary/10th Edition defines malnutrition as "faulty or inadequate nutrition". BOTH of these defining points play a part in these children we see in the aforementioned condition. An inadequate supply of food combined with the fact that there is not the right kinds of foods for balanced nutrition, and the contamination factor (water & food), ALL contribute to the malnutrition we see in these commercials...where they are asking us to help get the right foods for a balanced nutrition. We must get the PURE (uncontaminated) water & bread to these little ones, or.... they have NO HOPE !! Now...take the time to look around you. We live in a land of plenty. For most, there is an adequate supply of food here. For most it is clean & contamination free food & water. We have in this Country (for the most part) exactly what is needed for balanced nutrition. And yet, this Country is one of the most obese and out of shape in the world, not to mention the most wasteful. This is to our great shame.

 From The Physical To The Spiritual  
      NOW.... this country does have its malnourished. In this country (for the most part) there are no excuses. In a land where we have an abundance of food & water that is uncontaminated and is perfect for supplying the body with the needed nutrition for good health.....look at us. One has the accessability to the proper diet, but prefers to ingest the things that will slowly lead their body...their health, to physical ruin. Is this an example of insanity ? That IS a fair question. Those of you reading this who watch what you eat very closely, and have probably been in agreement with all I have said so far.....what's your excuse ? Yes, YOU! When it comes to physical food you have been wise, and have taken care of your body by regulating what your dietary intake will be. How much more should you regulate your spiritual/mental intake ? There are many types & brand names of food in the grocery store competing for your loyalty as a consumer. Yet, you resist an urge to buy 6 Twinkies & 3 Turtle Fudge Cheesecakes by the reasoning that this would not be good for your body. This is much the same as it is in the field of Religion/Theology. There are new marketing strategies every day it seems, to entice you to be a loyal consumer of their brand. However..... I will comment on this later.

So.....You Think You're Sane Do You ? 
     Didn't someone once say that the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over, the exact same way.....and expect different results ? Oh, dear God, let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds, help us to put on the mind of the Christ. Then, we will be of sound mind &  can get down to the issue at hand.
1 John 2: 15-17 says, "(15) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (17) And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever."  OK...I will pause for those who wish to repent & clean house now... ;-)
     What kind of mental/spiritual "food" are you feeding on daily ? Have you 'counted the cost' of grazing at the feeding troughs of this world ? As you 'sip the wine of the wrath of her fornications' you are desensitized and deceived as to your spiritual state. Alright, let's get down to the crux of the matter. I believe that the majority of the "churches" these days are disobedient to God's Word & thus.....a stench in His nostrils. Oh, I know...not you &'s those "others". My advice unto you (as unto myself) is to "examine yourself", and all that entails. Humble yourself before the Almighty, and ask Him to point out any wicked way in you (me). Do this (searching prayer) right after you have read 1 John 2: 15-17, and then read it again. No one that He loves will be exempt at this point from the chastising conviction of the Holy Spirit of God upon your heart/mind. Will you be found guilty of loving this present world more than the One who redeemed you ? Or will you be righteous in your own eyes ? Be careful Mr. Pride, & think this through. When you "feed" on the things of this world instead of His 'manna' from heaven, you will be the baby christian who is... so pitiful...& sad. With a bloated spiritual belly from the worlds contaminated food & drink that you are ingesting, you have no strength to stand when needed. You are weak in all areas, especially the mind. The church is full of this because THE CHURCH IS FULL  OF THE WORLD!!! Remember, the passage says, "...if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

Accounting/Inventory Department   
     Do you love this One who died that you might have life ? It is time to take inventory. It is time for an accounting. When you rationalize the few sex scenes, and the nudity as a MUST for making a good movie (huh?), and the MANY times God's name is taken in vain (not just the times it is linked up with damn.), as well as the barrage of sexual innuendos, ask yourself, "Am I even remotely pleasing to God BY these actions, or is He displeased with my choice of entertainment ?" I assure you He will NEVER approve of your preference for the world over Him as a way to spend your time. That would be contradictory to His Word. Oh, you may hear a still small voice say, "it's okay, c''s not THAT bad". Guess what ? That wasn't God!! That was your wicked and deceitful heart/mind (Jer. 17:9 ) trying to justify the sin you love so much. Well....THIS is the "Accounting/Inventory Department"....excuses and self righteous 'feelings' carry NO weight around here.

Final Thoughts On Part 1 are we doing out there ? There's only two types (and that is.... INSIDE the Christian camp) that are reading this. One says (with bowed head), " search me dear God, and reveal to me my wrong ways, and help me to know you more, and my ways to be pleasing to you." Then there's the other type. I know him well. I used to be him. He already had a hundred thoughts of self-justification for his ways before half-way finishing the post. He is angry at such [legalistic] nonsense. I am free he says. I have Christian liberty. My friend, look around you...right now, in your own home/room/desk/bookshelves/magazine racks/cd-dvd changer ..... your mind.....ooh....see. THAT isn't freedom. THAT is displeasing to Almighty God.....It's sin!

Stay tuned for Part 2:   SO.....WHAT'S IN YOUR PANTRY ?

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